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About Us

Think Email Marketing?
Think Consantmeet

Constant Meet is India’s First Ever Email Marketing Platform. Whether you are still building your empire or already a large conglomerate, constant meet’s email marketing services will help your flourishing business reach potential customers/clients in a bulk quantity, thus making relationship with potential clients/customers, making them aware of your business’s promotional offers or information about your operations which helps you build a community around your brand.

The traditional marketing was limited only to newspapers and posters, yet not able to reach each and every individual, but due to digitization it has brought the world closer and it’s been a boom for blooming businesses and email marketing is the key pillar for the same.

Expand your business purchases and get loyal customers/clients by using our robust email marketing platform. We have created this customisable bulk email marketing platform for your smooth business. Constant meet’s email marketing platform DOES NOT charge you for the amount of your contacts and database but only the number of messages you actually shoot.